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PrestoStore includes all the features you need to open your own web store:

Just $29.95 per month.  No setup, listing, transaction or final value fees.  Cancel at anytime.
Our help desk and support staff is available to answer your questions, seven days-a-week.
Try PrestoStore for FREE!

Free new domain name registration - registered in your name.  $25 VALUE
Your PrestoStore published and hosted at a domain name of your choice ( 
List an unlimited number of items for sale and upload up to 10 images for each item you list.
Premium hosting included by Rackspace Managed Hosting: delivering 100% network uptime.
2048-bit encryption key checkout secured by GeoTrustSecure seal included during checkout.
No limits on the number of visitors to your PrestoStore, orders, hosting bandwidth or storage space.


Shopping Cart
Ready-to-sell shopping cart system setup automatically on each of your items' listings.
Process your choice of payments online, directly from your customers.  More Info
Calculate shipping and handling fees based on items, a group of items, order weight or total.
USPS and UPS domestic and international shipping calculators available.
Include additional delivery method surcharges based on your customized shipping options.
Setup an unlimited number of promotion, coupon and gift certificate codes.
Automatically calculate sales tax based on customer's shipping location.
Customizable shopping cart and e-mail order confirmation messages.
View order data securely online, or download to report.


Item Listings
List an unlimited number of items for sale and upload up to 10 images for each item you list.
On sale prices and sale term length automatically calculated based on your specifications. 
Bulk upload and download your item listing information.
Add and edit multiple items at once for fast price, category and inventory updates.
Advanced inventory control tracking features, including out-of-stock messaging.
Cross-sell related items during the customer shopping experience.
Volume pricing based on quantity ordered or order total.
Price configuration based on your custom product options and add-ons.
Calculate shipping and handling fees based on items, a group of items, order weight or total.
USPS and UPS domestic and international shipping calculators available.
Include additional delivery method surcharges based on your customized shipping options.
Interactive contact form on each listing for use by your shoppers to submit questions.


Promotion and Marketing Tools
Automatic submission of your item listing information to Google Google Adwords, Google Merchant Center and Google Shopping.
Properly embedded HTML communicates your listings to Yahoo! for Enhanced Search Listings.
Google Web Master Tools account opened and maintained on your behalf by our staff of webmasters.
Continuous Search Engine Optimization of your content based on your listing information.
HTML and XML Sitemaps published and made available to shoppers and search engines.
RSS Feeds of your most up-to-date information available at all times to shoppers and submission.



Do you specialize selling a specific type of item?

PrestoStore operates several "specialty marts", targeting the unique needs of your buyers.
PrestoStore Examples
Visit actual PrestoStores maintained by our subscribers. 
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